
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Sparkling berry brandy cocktails

Someone asked me the other day what has been my greatest achievement of 2014. In the absence of anything else, I've finally decided that keeping going this year has been achievement enough.  Thank you dear readers for your continued support. May 2015 be full of 'great achievements' (whatever you think they are) for all of us.

In the meantime, here's a small, recent achievement - summer in a glass. Think of this as the Kiwi Pimm's...

Easy Recipe For Berry Brandy Champagne Cocktails Recipe And Photo By Lucy Corry/The Kitchenmaid 2014

Sparkling berry brandy cocktails
This is a good way to turn a bottle of Lindauer into something more special. The first person I served it to commented that 'the strawberries hide the taste of the alcohol'. I didn't have the heart to tell him about the brandy...

2 Tbsp brandy
1 Tbsp icing sugar
2/3 cup sliced strawberries
1 bottle of your best sparkling wine

Put the brandy and icing sugar in a small bowl and mix well. Add the strawberries and stir. Set aside (this can be done several hours in advance if you like). To serve, divide this mixture between six champagne flutes and top with sparkling wine.

Happy New Year, everyone. See you in 2015.


  1. I'm not a big drinker but this looks just my sort of tipple - warm wishes for a great 2015 lucy

  2. I don't have any brandy at home, but if I did I would certainly make this.
    Happy New Year to you Lucy and your little family. I do honestly enjoy reading your blog and your recipes, many that I have made and have bookmarked - the banana muesli is still calling my name, but I don't have all the ingredients to hand so its on the backburner.
    Thank you also for your continued support x

  3. There's usually some brandy round here. Sadly I'm out of sparkling wine and summer at the moment. I'll remember this when I get some more. (Well, I might remember if I avoid the brandy). Happy new year.

  4. I would definitely say that just getting through the year last year was by far my greatest achievement!! A couple of these cocktails, and I'm sure the outlook for this year would look infinitely brighter :-)

  5. I would definitely say that just getting through the year last year was by far my greatest achievement!! A couple of these cocktails, and I'm sure the outlook for this year would look infinitely brighter :-)

  6. Yes please, I'll raise a glass and then sip it genteelly down. Hope you manage to get through 2015 too and enjoy much of it along the way.


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