Monday, October 22, 2012

The 24-carrot weekend

It has been a long weekend here thanks to Labour Day today - in which we are supposed to have the day off in honour of our forebears who fought for the eight-hour working day. Instead we worked our iPad-tapping fingers to the bone outside.

In between various other achievements over the weekend we dug out hundreds of flax roots, ripped up metres of weed mat, rehomed the ailing lemon tree, dug in compost and scattered coffee sacks of mulch. Then I planted eight sweetcorn seedlings, six strawberry bushes (I know, I should have planted them weeks ago), one patty pan squash and one unidentified curcubit - my little helper took the label off the punnet and I'm not sure if it's a cucumber or watermelon. There's a lot more planting to be done but I ran out of steam (and Zoodoo).
Oh and the Boy Wonder harvested 24 carrots planted by our house's former owners, a little bonus that wasn't in the real estate advert. We're going to roast them with cumin seeds and garlic, though the carrot in the far right of the picture above looks like it is ready to get up and run away before that happens.

How did you spend Labour Day? And how is your spring/autumn garden looking? Pin It


  1. Just what I did over the weekend. Some well overdue gardening and vege planting. It has been sorely neglected but now that the weather is warming up I am being drawn outside more and more.

  2. sounds like a wonderful weekend Lucy. I didn't lnow that you were into grow your own. I bet those carrots will taste amazing.

    We had a good weekend, lots of errands and sorting out but a nice leisurely walk along the river culminating with a cream tea...the best kind of walk.


  3. What a find - love your plans for the little babies too. I so wish I had a garden to punish myself with!

  4. Cute carrots! Look at all that gorgeous green leafy goodness. I hope you have a rabbit friend you can treat those to. I've been meaning to pay some attention to our garden, but haven't quite got there yet!

  5. Cute carrots! Look at all that gorgeous green leafy goodness. I hope you have a rabbit friend you can treat those to. I've been meaning to pay some attention to our garden, but haven't quite got there yet!

  6. It really is that time of the year, isn't it! i was super busy last weekend too, and absolutely pooped by the end of it (but managed to take some pics and blog it!). garden work is so satisfying, especially for those of us who spends the rest of our lives tied to a desk :-)

  7. Love that your gardens are waking up and that you are going at them with such eager plans! Ours are brown and sere ... we've spent the week tucking in the perennials, planting bulbs (daffodils and squill) and pulling brush to stack for a wintertime bonfire ... Yum ... baby carrots! Are you setting in the spinach and greens yet?

  8. Weather was dreadful here last weekend and isn't looking much better this. Needless to say I spent most of it in my wellies and hands in the ground. Couldn't be happier :o)


Hello - thanks for stopping by. If this was real life I'd make you a cup of tea and open the biscuit tin, but in lieu of those things, let's have a chat anyway...