Monday, February 21, 2011

Musical Monday: Fiji Baby

We are home from the beach and it is too hot to even contemplate toiling over a steaming computer. Here's a tune to cheer you through your Monday morning while I try to remember where I put my brain before we went away...
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  1. I hope you had a super hol. I bet your wee girl loved the beach. Have you noticed the new blogger.. the Bookgatherer ?

  2. I hope you holiday was special. I wandered here in your absence and did some browsing through your earlier entries. I really like the food and recipes you feature here. As you can see, I'm back. Have a great evening. Blessings...Mary

  3. i made your everyday bread and linked back to you, thanks for the recipe, hope you had a super break :)


Hello - thanks for stopping by. If this was real life I'd make you a cup of tea and open the biscuit tin, but in lieu of those things, let's have a chat anyway...