Monday, November 05, 2012

A berry good day

Yesterday was brilliant. The sun came out, the gala was a huge hit (not least because I came home with empty tins, a pair of Zambesi trousers and some heirloom tomato plants),  and we had barbecued Murellen pork chops a la Bill Granger for dinner. Even better, the first of our strawberries were ripe enough to pick...

It's hard to say who was more excited about this, me or the owner of the little hand in the photo. Slightly shamefully though I must admit that they don't taste as good as the ones I bought last week. I might have to try the trick an old workmate once told me about, whereupon you line a bowl with cabbage leaves and put the strawberries in it for 30 minutes. Some chemical reaction apparently makes them taste sweeter. I'll be sure to give it a go when the next berries are ripe.
How was your weekend?
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  1. sounds like the perfect day out to me .... some little critter is eating our strawberries before we get to them ... not cool

  2. Oh how I miss the summer! Love the photo of tiny hands with the strawberries. I am not envious ... really I'm not ... closer to full on jealousy!

  3. i love that to the owner of that little hand, those strawberries must have appeared gi-normous!
    never heard of the cabbage leaf thingy. weird! can't wait to hear your objective findings.


Hello - thanks for stopping by. If this was real life I'd make you a cup of tea and open the biscuit tin, but in lieu of those things, let's have a chat anyway...