Monday, March 28, 2011

Musical Monday: Wedding bells...

This piece of ridiculous fabulousness reminds me that there's just a month to go until THE wedding. We're going to have a party to celebrate. Wanna come?
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  1. ...and I've been remembering that fabulous wedding cake you made one year ago! That gooey delectable wondrous chocolate and fig fruit cake... Mmmmm my mouth is watering!

  2. amazing!!! i wish i was THIS creative! :)

  3. this is tooo adorable!! And the groom really does look uncannily like William.

  4. Love it! and it looks like it might be so much more entertaining than the real thing. Going for a long walk in the woods that day!


Hello - thanks for stopping by. If this was real life I'd make you a cup of tea and open the biscuit tin, but in lieu of those things, let's have a chat anyway...